Environmental Education

The Conservation District's environmental educational activities target farmers, municipal officials, homeowners, teachers and students along with many other audiences.  Activities range from participating in large community events, hosting many school programs, professional workshops and technical training sessions, or going out in the field to provide one-on-one assistance.



Our Envirothons, which target elementary and high school students, are an annual event.  Envirothons help students cultivate an awareness of the total environment and acquire a sensitivity towards its limited natural resources.  Conservation District's across the state hold a High School Envirothon each year.  The winning team from each county can also participate in the Pennsylvania Envirothon.  Students prepare for the Envirothon at their respective schools.  Topics are Forestry, Aquatics, Soils, Wildlife and a special station that changes each year.  For 2020, the Special Station will be "Water Resource Management - Local Control and Local Solutions".  Study materials for this year's High School Envirothon can be found on the Pennsylvania Envirothon's web page.

School Programs



The Conservation District holds various informational workshops for the farming community.  A Cover Crop Workshop was recently held.  This workshop looked at the benefits of cover crops and offered Pesticide Credits.  Past workshops have helped farmers decide if they need a Manure Management Plan.  Every farm in Pennsylvania that land applies on-farm or imported manure, regardless of size, is required to have and implement a written Manure Management Plan.  Attendees were able to get assistance in completing their workbook as well as ask questions about other programs available.


Farmer Workshops



Reynoldsville C.G. Johnson Envirothon
Tri-County High School Envirothon
Ag Safety Day
Brockway Field Day
Jefferson County Fair
Kids Water Page
Kids Soil Page
Kids Ag Page
CREP Workshop
Earth Day
Watershed Camp
Chippy's Photo Album

Other Workshops



The Conservation District also holds workshops to help educate the public on various topics such as a Logging Workshop, Municipality Workshop or a Pond and Lake Workshop held at Reynlow Park in Reynoldsville.

Cloe Lake Field Day
Logging Workshop

Our Elementary Envirothon is similiar in format to the High School Envirothon but students compete as classrooms within their school.  The difference is presenters teach the students for approximately 25 minutes and then test them to see what they have learned.  Some of the presentations made by conservation district staff and volunteers from other agencies have included Watersheds, Agriculture, Forestry, Soil, Recycling and Wildlife.

District employees also do presentations at other Field Days in the County such as Ag  Safety Days, Cloe Lake Day and Brockway Field Day.

Storm Drain Project
Quiet Creek Field Trip
Library Environmental Program
Design Aids
Resources & Links
Dirt & Gravel Road Program
Environmental Education
E & S Control
Special Projects
Water Protection
About Us
60th Anniversary
70th Anniversary
75th Anniversary
Our Mission
Pond Information
Tick Information
Sustainablity Fair
Municipality Workshop
Conservation Seminar
Farmer Winter Workshop

The Conservation District staff has been finding new ways to educate the public about the environment.  Check out some of the Environmental Education Videos the staff has been making this Summer.  There is alot to learn about in these videos such as:  Crayfish, Birch Trees, Macro Sampling, Stream Erosion and much more!  Click here to watch these videos, grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show.

Environmental Education Videos



Environmental Videos
Municipal Info
Township Information
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