Farmer Winter Workshop
The Jefferson Conservation District hosted a workshop for the farming community on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at the Cobblestone Hotel
& Suites Conference Room in Punxsutawney.
Mike Kerr and Sarah Brooks, of the Farm Service Agency, explained the Conservation
Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). This program administered by FSA pays landowners to conserve and enhance their land.
Other FSA and NRCS programs were explained as well.
Megan Whitlatch, Nutrient Management Specialist at the Conservation District,
explained State regulations which require farmers to have written plans to address soil and manure management. Megan also presented
information on Noxious & Invasive Weed ID as well as Ticks & Lyme Disease.
Attendees were updated on NRCS
Financial Assistance Programs. Farmers may contact the District if they would like assistance determining if they need a plan
or would like help completing their plans.
Financial and other support is provided by the PA Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a Growing Greener Watershed
Protection grant from PA DEP with additional support from USDA-NRCS.