Agriculture Environmental Regulations: Am I in Compliance?
Pennsylvania's 58,000 farm families continue to be the stewards of more than 7.7 million acres of farmland. The Jefferson County Conservation District promotes conservation practices in the agricultural community by:
The District Agriculture Conservation Technician (ACT) is available to assist farmers with conservation planning and provide technical assistance to farmers interested in doing conservation work on their farms pertaining to agriculture conservation.
Nutrient Management (Act 38)
The Nutrient Management Act is a state law that passed in 1993. The regulations became effective in October 1997. The purpose of the Act is to minimize surface and groundwater nutrient loads from agricultural operations. Not only does this protect our groundwater but also increases farm profitability by practicing good nutrient management.
Benefits of a Conservation Plan
The benefits of having a Conservation Plan include:
Resource Enhancement and Protection Program (REAP)
The Resource Enhancement and Protection Program (REAP) allows farmers and businesses to earn tax credits in exchange for planning, sponsoring or implementing "Best Management Practices: (BMPs) on agricultural operations that will enhance farm production and protect natural resources. Farmers can also receive tax credits for conversion or upgrading to a No-till cropping system. For more information on REAP, contact PA Department of Agriculture. For more information, contact Megan Whitlatch, JCCD Ag Technician, at 814-849-7463. More information can also be found at State Conservation Commission's website.
Chlorophyll Meter Testing
A chlorophyll meter is a portable, hand held device that instantaneously measures the chlorophyll content in a plant such as corn. The chlorophyll meter readings of corn leaves can be an indicator of the Nitrogen (N) status of corn plants and the need for additional N for optimum yields. The readings are taken in the field, so results are available immediately. The Conservation District has a chlorophyll meter. Contact the District at 814-849-7463, if you would like to make arrangements to have your corn tested.