Permits for construction of ponds may be required by the Pennsylvania Dam Safety and Encroachments Act. The Pennsylvania Department
of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulates ponds and pond construction in a number of ways.
A DEP permit may not be needed if you
meet the following criteria:
(You must be disturbing less than 1 acre in all cases.)
- Dam with height less than 15 feet and drainage
area less than 100 acres and storage less than 50 acre feet.*
- Water impounded behind a dam that inundates a wetland. *
- Normal dam
maintenance that does not change the pool level (height of dam) or spillway characteristics. *
- Dredging of an off-stream pond if the
pond has been completely drawn down, i.e. it is no longer a body of water. *
DEP permit requirements may be waived if:
- It is a
dam with height less than 3 feet on a stream less than 50 feet wide except on a wild trout stream.*
- Maintenance of stormwater
or erosion and sedimentation control basin.*
- Dredging of an existing off-stream pond if the pond is not drawn down at the time of
dredging, i.e. it remains a body of water.*
* Federal authorization may be required.
Please contact your local
municipal officials during project planning.