Manure Management

Every farm in Pennsylvania that land applies manure or agricultural process wastewater (generated on the farm or received from an importer), regardless of the size, is required to have and implement a written Manure Management Plan.


This includes manure and agricultural process wastewater application by various types of equipment and/or direct application of manure by animals on pastures and in Animal Concentration Areas (ACAs).  In other words, farms that do not mechanically apply manure but which do have pastures or ACAs still need a manure management plan.


The Manure Management Plan Workbook format must be used for the written manure management plan unless the farmer gets approval from DEP for an alternative plan format.  In addition to developing a written plan, the farmer must also complete and maintain records to demonstrate compliance with the Manure Management Plan.  DEP has developed a Manure Management Plan Workbook for farmers to use that contains the forms described in this manual (link available on left). 


Once completed, this workbook will become the farm's Manure Management Plan which must be implemented.  The staff from DEP or the District may request to see a copy of this plan when they visit a farm.  The farmer should also provide a copy of the Manure Management Plan Summary Worksheet to the individual that land applies manure at a farm or on any rented land.  Failure to follow the plan is violation of state, and in some cases, federal laws.


Manure Management Plans can be prepared by the farmer although the farmer may benefit from obtaining assistance from individuals trained and experienced in developing these plans.  If you need assistance with competing your workbook, contact Megan Whitlatch, Nutrient Management Specialist with JCCD at 814-849-7463.

What Type of Plan Do I Need?
Preparing to Write a Plan
Overview of Manure Management
Some Facts About Soil Basics
PAOneStop Mapping Website
Ag Environmental Regulations: Am I In Compliance?
Manure Management Plan Workbook
Manure Management Requirements
Erosion Control for Agriculture
Nutrient Management
No-Till Planting
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