Kids Agriculture Page

  • Pennsylvania ranks 1st in the nation in producing mushrooms, with annual production of 578 million pounds, or 64 percent, of all mushroom production in the United States.
  • Corn, soybeans, winter wheat and oats are all important crops grown in Pennsylvania.  Our farmers produce $2.8 billion in total crop sales each year.  Thanks to our climate, soil and location to markets, Pennsylvania is one of the leading states in selling produce directly to consumers. 
  • Pennsylvania ranks within the top five nationally in the growing of fruits like apples, peaches and grapes.  Biglerville, located in Adams County, is the Apple Capital of the USA and home to the National Apple Museums.
  • The sale of livestock products accounts for 70% of Pennsylvania’s farm income.
  • Milk production is the leading segment of the agricultural industry, our farmers produce 10.2 billion pounds of milk each year.  Pennsylvania is the 6th largest milk producing state in the United States.
  • Pennsylvania ranks 14th nationally in the total value of livestock, poultry and their products valued at $5.0 billion in 2017.
  • Pennsylvania ranks 19th nationally in agriculture products sold, at $7.8 billion in 2017.

Crops and Livestock

  • Pennsylvania has climates that are generally known as humid continental.  There are distinct seasonal variations and an abundance of rainfall.
  • Lowland Pennsylvania has comparatively long summers and mild winters, with growing seasons ranging from six to seven months. Mean annual temperatures for the region is 57°F.
  • In Upland Pennsylvania, summers are short and winters are comparatively severe. The growing season is confined to a frost-free period of about 130 days.  The mean annual temperature is 47°F.
  • Rainfall averages 41” a year.
  • The best agricultural soils tend to be found in southeastern Pennsylvania.
  • In the valleys of Central Pennsylvania, limestone-derived soils predominate which are some of the most productive soils in the state and are used intensively for agriculture. 

Climate and Soils

More Information on Farm Animals

Beef Cows
Dairy Cows
Capital: Harrisburg
Population: 12,801,989
Founded: December 12, 1787
State Bird: Ruffed Grouse
State Tree: Hemlock
State Flower: Mountain Laurel
State Beverage: Milk
Number of Counties: 67
Largest City: Philadelphia
Nickname: Keystone State
Number of Farms: 52,700
Average Farm Size: 139 acres
Total Farmland: 7.3 million acres
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