Rebecca M. Arthurs Library
Environmental Education Programs

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On Wednesday, September, 30, 2020, and Wednesday, August 19, 2020, the staff of the Jefferson Conservation District went to the Rebecca M. Arthurs Memorial Library in Brookville to do presentations for children about the environment.  Staff members presented information on a variety of topics.  On September 30, the kids started the morning off with a nature story and played a game.  They learned about some of the mammals in our forests and got to feel real animal pelts.  They also learned about squirrels and trees.  The day was finished off with a scavenger hunt.

On August 19, the children were able to partake in a visual demonstration of the earth's water and engage in an intriguing story.  A presentation about Deer Ticks and Lyme Disease focused on what ticks are, where they live and how to properly remove them.  Kids even got to participate in a tick trivia game!  During the macroinvertebrate presentation, participants were able to get up close to view and even handle live macros while talking about how to catch and identify them and why they are so important to our water!  We love to see the kids in our community enjoying and appreciating the outdoors as much as we do!

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Municipal Info
Township Information
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