Reynoldsville Envirothon

The Jefferson Conservation District holds an Envirothon at the Reynoldsville C.G. Johnson Elementary School each Spring.  This year's Envirothon was held on Wednesday, May 15, 2019.  Melissa Buck, JCCD, plans this event for the 3rd & 4th grade classes each year.  This competition is similiar in format to the High School Envirothon but students compete as classrooms within their school. 

Another difference is presenters teach the students for approximately 20 minutes and then test them to see what they have learned.  This year's topics and presenters were:

Deer Ticks - Megan Whitlatch, Jefferson Conservation District

Water - Dana Grabowski, Jefferson Conservation District

Black Bear - Andrew Troutman, PA Game Commission 

Waste Management - Donna Cooper, Jefferson County Solid Waste Authority

Forestry - John Brundege, DCNR - Bureau of Forestry

Birds of Prey - Alicia Shawley, Intern, Clear Creek State Park

After all the tests were scored, an awards ceremony was held to announce the top three classrooms. 


Environmental Education
Ag Safety Day
Brockway Field Day
Cloe Lake Day
Donna Cooper explained what everyday items should be recycled.
Teachers and presenters all agreed the students were good listeners.
Dana Grabowski taught students about the importance of protecting our water.
John Brundege taught students the importance of oxygen, sunlight and water to our forests.
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