North Clarion - Team 1 was second place.

Tri-County High School Envirothon

The Tri-County Envirothon was held on Wednesday, April, 26 2023.  This year’s event was held at the Clear Creek State Park in Sigel and was sponsored by the Clarion County Conservation District (CCCD), Forest County Conservation District (FCCD) and Jefferson County Conservation District (JCCD) .


10 teams from six different schools in Clarion, Forest and Jefferson Counties participated.


The schools at this year's Envirothon included:

       Clarion County:    Keystone, North Clarion and Union High Schools  

       Forest County:     West Forest High School

       Jefferson County:  Brockway and Brookville High School


  Presenters at this year’s event were:

      Forestry Station - Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)

      Aquatics Station - PA Fish & Boat Commission

      Wildlife Station - PA Game Commission

      Soils Station - Jefferson County Conservation District (JCCD)

      Adapting to a Changing Climate - Forest County Conservation District (FCCD)


Evan DeLong, JCCD and Hannah Bequeath, CCCD planned this years event. Students use study materials provided by the Pennsylvania Envirothon to prepare for the event.




































                                                                                            North Clarion - Team 1 was second place. 












North Clarion  - Team 2 was third place. 


The top team in each county was eligible to attend the Pennsylvania Envirothon.  The top team from Clarion County was Team 1 from Keystone High School.  The top team from Jefferson County was Team 1 from Brockway High School. 




Reynoldsville C.G. Johnson Envirothon
Environmental Education
Ag Safety Day
Brockway Field Day
Cloe Lake Day
Earth Day
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Resources & Links
Dirt & Gravel Road Program
Environmental Education
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About Us
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jccd2021026013.jpg jccd2021026010.jpg
First place - Keystone Team 1

First Place - North Clarion Team A




































                                                                                            North Clarion - Team 1 was second place. 












North Clarion  - Team 2 was third place. 


The top team in each county was eligible to attend the Pennsylvania Envirothon.  The top team from Clarion County was Team 1 from Keystone High School.  The top team from Jefferson County was Team 1 from Brockway High School. 




Second Place - Keystone Team A




































                                                                                            North Clarion - Team 1 was second place. 












North Clarion  - Team 2 was third place. 


The top team in each county was eligible to attend the Pennsylvania Envirothon.  The top team from Clarion County was Team 1 from Keystone High School.  The top team from Jefferson County was Team 1 from Brockway High School. 




Third Place - Brockway




































                                                                                            North Clarion - Team 1 was second place. 












North Clarion  - Team 2 was third place. 


The top team in each county was eligible to attend the Pennsylvania Envirothon.  The top team from Clarion County was Team 1 from Keystone High School.  The top team from Jefferson County was Team 1 from Brockway High School. 




The top team from each County is eligible to compete in the Pennsylvania Envirothon, starting with oral component video presentation due May 15.

They will have the opportunity to compete at the in-person station testing day May 24 at Camp Mount Luther in Miffinburg.

For more information about the Pennsylvania Envirothon, go to https://




































                                                                                            North Clarion - Team 1 was second place. 












North Clarion  - Team 2 was third place. 


The top team in each county was eligible to attend the Pennsylvania Envirothon.  The top team from Clarion County was Team 1 from Keystone High School.  The top team from Jefferson County was Team 1 from Brockway High School.