Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Road Program
2015 was a busy year for the Conservation District's Dirt, Gravel & Low Volume Road Program. Carl Johnson was
hired as Resource Technician to work on this program. Carl supervised the townships as they completed projects that
improved drainage problems and helped reduce the impact of public roads on our streams. Seven townships in Jefferson County
completed 9 projects. This was our first year completing projects on LVR Roads.
Click on each picture below to see additional
information on these projects that were completed in 2015.
In 2015, Carl won First Place for his entry in a photo contest with his photos of the Young Township - Beyer Avenue Extension Project.
These before and after photos (seen on the right) are featured on the cover of the 2016 Center for Dirt and Gravel Roads Calendar!
Young Township
Cunningham Road
LVR Project
Congratulations to Carl Johnson!
Young Township - Beyer Avenue Extension
Barnett Township
Shaffer Road
Bell Township
Beacon Road
Henderson Township
Kramer Road
McCalmont Township
Hemlock Road
Polk Township
Bond Road
Ringgold Township
Alcorn Road
LVR Project
Barnett Township
Songer Road