What is Act 167? The Pennsylvania Stormwater Management Act of 1978 provides for the regulation of land and water uses for flood control and stormwater management purposes. The Act directs each County to prepare and adopt a stormwater management plan for each designated watershed.
How Will the Plan be Implemented? All municipalities within Jefferson County are required to adopt the Jefferson County Stormwater Management Ordinance. The standards and criteria contained in the Ordinance apply to all municipalities. Adoption of these ordinances enables application of the Plan’s provisions; review of drainage plans for all activities regulated by the Plan and the ordinance; enforcement of the municipal regulations.
Who needs a Stormwater Management Plan? The ordinance applies to any Regulated Activity within the municipality.
What is a Regulated Activity? Any earth disturbance activities or any activities that involve the alteration or development of land in a manner that may affect stormwater runoff. “Regulated Activities” include, but are not limited to, the following listed items:
· Land Development/Subdivision
· Construction of new buildings or additions to existing buildings
· Diversion or piping of any natural or man-made stream channel
· Installation of stormwater BMPs
Conservation Partnership Agreements The Conservation District has signed agreements with the following municipalities to assist with the review of stormwater plans and enforcement of the municipal ordinance: Barnett Township, Beaver Township, Bell Township, Brockway Borough, Clover Township, Eldred Township, Falls Creek Borough, Gaskill Township, Heath Township, Henderson Township, Knox Township, McCalmont Township, Oliver Township, Perry Township, Pine Creek Township (<5,000 sq ft), Polk Township, Porter Township, Ringgold Township, Rose Township, Snyder Township, Summerville Borough, Union Township, Warsaw Township, Washington Township, Winslow Township and Young Township.
What do you need to do to get a Stormwater Plan? (For properties located in municipalities with a Partnership Agreement) Calculate the square footage of impervious surface created during construction. Review the attached forms and determine which form you need to complete. For assistance call Dana Grabowski, Watershed Technician, 814-849-7463.
What do you need to do to get a Stormwater Plan? (For properties located in municipalities without a Partnership Agreement) Contact the municipal office where your property is located for assistance.