About Us

The Jefferson County Conservation District Board of Directors is comprised of seven directors (three farmer members, three urban/public members, and a County Commissioner). As volunteer members representing a variety of local communities, the Board leads District programs and sets District policies. Jefferson County residents are encouraged to contact their nearest District Board member with conservation concerns and issues.
Todd Beers, Chairman - Todd, a public director, was hired as a Watershed Specialist with the District in 2003. In 2005, he went to work for Winner Water Services but continued to volunteer with the District. Todd was an Associate Director for 5 year and became a Director in 2017.

H. Porter Duvall, Vice Chairman – Porter, a farmer director, is a part-time farmer. He is also a retired waterways conservation officer. Porter has been part of the District team throughout his career with the PA Fish and Boat Commission. He has been a director for 24 years.

Allen Campbell, Secretary/Treasurer – Allen, a public director, is also the President of the Jefferson County Sportsmen Federation. Allen is well respected throughout the region for his leadership and stewardship of the North Fork and Sandy Lick watersheds. He has been a director for 20 years and was an Associate Director for 12 years.

Tom McFarland, Director – Tom, a public director, is retired from Department of Enviromental Protection. This is Tom's tenth year as a director but he has also been an associate director for many years.

Terry Shields, Director – Terry, a farmer director, has many years experience on his farm. He is an Environmental Coordinator for PA Farm Bureau. This is Terry's seventh year as a director but he was an associate director for 19 years.

Theresa Shick, Director – Theresa, a farmer director, manages a cow-calf operation. She is a former dairy farmer and is active in the County 4-H Program. Theresa has been a director for 14 years.
Herb Bullers, Commissioner Director – Herb began his first term as a Jefferson County Commissioner in January, 2016. 2019 is Herb's fourth year as a director. Herb is a businessman and a contractor.
Created under the Conservation District Law, districts are the local unit of state government that provides the link between you, the citizens, and the multitude of local, state and federal natural resource management programs. A Board of Directors, appointed by the County Commissioners from nominations received from County-wide organizations, serve as your voice. A staff of professionals provides information, technical assistance, financial assistance and educational programs and support at the direction of that Board.
The Jefferson County Conservation District was established in 1946 by the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners, to provide for the conservation of soil, water and related resources of the Commonwealth.

For more information on the history of Conservation Districts, click here.    

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Board of Directors
Todd Beers, Chairman
H. Porter Duvall, Vice-Chairman
Allen Campbell, Treasurer
Tom McFarland
Terry Shields
Theresa Shick
Commissioner Herb Bullers
History of Districts
Our Mission
Shaun Wessell - District Manager
Deborah Wilson - Executive Director
Melissa Buck - Administrative Assistant
Megan Whitlatch - ACT/ NM Specialist
Carl Johnson - Resource Technician
Dana Grabowski - Watershed Technician
JCCD Annual Reports
Jerry Chamberlin
George Miller
Laura Lynn Yohe
Becky Gaston
Tom Kundrich
Denny Day
2014 Annual Report
Design Aids
Resources & Links
Dirt & Gravel Road Program
Environmental Education
E & S Control
Special Projects
Water Protection
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Associate Directors
2015 Annual Report
About Us
60th Anniversary
70th Anniversary
Our Mission
Directors Allen Campbell, Herb Landes and Porter Duvall were recently presented a pocket watch commemorating their many years of commitment to the District.
Pond Information
Tick Information
Click here to see a complete list of past Directors of the Jefferson County Conservation District.
Click here, for our District Brochure.
2016 Annual Report
Staff and Directors - June, 2018

At the December 2017 Board of Director's Meeting, Deb Wilson was presented with a bracelet and cake commemorating her 30 years with the District.  Click here to find out more!

2017 Annual Report
Municipal Info
Township Information