Right-To-Know Requests

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On January 6, 2009, the District Board adoped a new Right-To-Know Policy to conform with the new requirements of the PA Right-To-Know Law.  The policy establishes the Jefferson Conservation District's procedures for meeting its obligations under the Pennsylvania Right-To-Know Law, which was revised in 2008.  It applies to all requests for "public records". 
The Board has designated the Administrative Assistant as its Open Records Officer.  All requests for public records are administered by the Open Records Officer.  Requests should be directed to the Open Records Officer at the following address, using the Request Form contained in the policy: 
Melissa Buck, Open Records Officer
Jefferson Conservation District
1514 Route 28
Brookville, PA 15825
Or by fax at: (814) 849-0825
Or by email at: mjbuck@windstream.net
or hand deliver to the same address listed above during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, excluding holidays or other announced office closings. 
All Right-To-Know requests must be submitted in writing.  Verbal or anonymous requests will not be accepted.
Right-To-Know Request Form    
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