Brockway Sixth Grade Conservation Day

Every year Clear Creek State Park is invaded with sixth grade students from Brockway Elementary School.  This annual event is planned by Roger Hartless of the PA Game Commission and the sixth grade teachers at the school.  This year's event was held on May 23, 2018.  Over 100 students, rotated between stations within the park. 

Megan Whitlatch, Jefferson Conservation District, taught the students about Poisonous Plants.  She showed them what plants may be poisonous and should be avoided when they are out and about this summer.

Dana Grabowski, JCCD, and Eric Wilson, Trout Unlimited, showed students how to identify macroinvertebrates and why they are important to a stream. 

Donna Cooper, Jefferson County Solid Waste Authority, presented information about recycling and waste management.  John Brundege, DCNR Forester, taught students about tree and plant identification. 

Roger Hartless, PA Game Commission, and Tony and Suzi Stefani taught firearm safety and hunting safety.  Jesse Bish, PA Game Commission, spoke on how to manage your land to increase wildlife habitat. 

This annual environmental field day was a great learning event for the students!

Donna Cooper taught students the importance of recycling.
Students learned about Firearm Safety and how to be safe in the woods.
Megan Whitlatch showed students what plants are poisonous.
Students enjoyed seeing different animal hides and antlers.
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Dana Grabowski helped students identify some macroinvertebrates.
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Students used nets to catch macrovertebrates that live in the stream.
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