Girl Scout Activities
On March 7, 2017, the District was invited to assist local daisy and brownie troops to earn an Environmental Badge.
Grace Pesselato, Watershed Specialist, began by reading Dr. Suess's book "The Lorax". In this rhyming tale, they learned of
the Once-ler, who came across a valley of Truffula Trees, and how his harvesting of the tufted trees changed the landscape forever.
They learned not only about the importance of seeing the beauty in the world around us, but also about our responsibility to protect
After discussing ways they could each help protect our environment, the girls enjoyed making a picture of Truffula
Trees and their very own Lorax mustache.
Grace Pesselato used the Enviroscape to teach local daisy and brownie troops about water pollution and how to protect our water.
The girls met at the Dr. Walter Dick Park and enjoyed making water cycle bracelets and participating in a scavenger hunt.
On Tuesday, November 7, 2017, local daisy and brownie troops learned how different pollutants can enter our watersheds from Grace
Pesselato. The girls also enjoyed painting environmental themed kindness rocks. Kindness rocks can be hidden for
others to find to brighten their day.