On Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11, 2018, the Jefferson County Fairgrounds in Brookville was the site of the Progressive Agriculture Safety Days. Nearly 400 second grade students from elementary schools in Jefferson County attended this learning experience. Schools included Brookville, Brockway, Punxsutawney and Reynoldsville.
On each of these days, students heard presentations and participated in activities related to various safety topics at 15 different stations staffed by volunteers. Presentations included Dog Safety, 911, Safe Digging, Bike / Pedestrian Safety, Disaster Preparedness, Electric Safety, Hidden Hazards, Good Touch / Bad Touch, Firearm Safety, Bully Bingo, Hearing Safety, Poisonous Plants, Smoking Education, Ticks and Lyme Disease and Poisonous Lookalikes. Thanks to the many sponsors, all students received a t-shirt and a brightly colored hat.