Timber Harvesting

Timber harvesting operations also need an erosion and sediment pollution control plan prepared and implemented that results in minimized erosion during the timbering operation and stabilizes the site after the completion of the harvest.

DEP regulations require that any logging operation that will disturb over 25 acres of land during the course of the harvest must obtain an Erosion and Sediment Control Permit.  Since normal operations disturb about 10% of the area harvested, this permit is normally not required until the size of the timbering operation exceeds 200 acres.  For more information, contact the Conservation District.

Timber harvesting and clearing of land in preparation for development is considered as work associated with the development and is regulated as a part of the development. These projects cannot be started until all necessary permits for the entire project have been obtained.

A typical log landing.

A temporary bridge should have been used for this logging activity.

E & S Control
Some soils have been reclassified. Please use the NRCS Web Soil Survey for updated information on hydric soils, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Logging Workshop
Timber Harvesting BMP Inspection Template
Timber Harvesting PPC Plan
Timber Harvesting E&S Control Plan Template
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