National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

A federal regulation that works in conjunction with the state E&S program is the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program.  While these regulations require discharges from many types of facilities, we will discuss only the discharges from construction activities here.  These regulations, the implementation of which has been delegated to DEP, require a permit be obtained for any earthmoving activities disturbing more than 1 acre.

It is recommended that anyone disturbing more than one acre of land during the life of an earthmoving project contact the Conservation District to discuss NPDES permit requirements.  Disturbance over the life of the project is defined as any earth disturbance that will occur to fully complete the planned land use.  For example, a housing development would include the disturbance associated with the road construction, installation of utilities, and construction of individual houses and accessory structures on the lots although the original applicant may only be building the roads.

The Conservation District has agreed to be the local contact for this permit.  We are available to answer questions concerning permit requirements and regulations and are the designated agency to accept applications for the permit in Jefferson CountyUnder the requirements of the NPDES program, these activities must have an approved erosion control plan.  Jefferson County Conservation District conducts the reviews of these plans for DEP to assure compliance with Chapter 102 and the Clean Streams Law.  The NPDES permit program also requires a Post Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) Plan to address concerns about ground water recharge, long term stream base flows, and water quality issues.

During construction of the site, the Conservation District conducts periodic inspections of the site to assure that the plan is being followed.  For additional information or questions, contact the Conservation District.

 What is NPDES?

Seeding and mulching as well as silt fence helps keep erosion to a minimum.  

Design Aids
E & S Control
Chapter 105
Frequently Asked Questions
Timber Harvesting
Floodplain Management
Nonpoint Source Information
Point Source Pollution
Notice of Intent (NOI) Forms - General
Notice of Termination (NOT)
Pennsylvania Bulletin
Some soils have been reclassified. Please use the NRCS Web Soil Survey for updated information on hydric soils, etc.
Design Aids
Resources & Links
Dirt & Gravel Road Program
Environmental Education
E & S Control
Special Projects
Water Protection
About Us
60th Anniversary
70th Anniversary
75th Anniversary
Our Mission
Pond Information
Tick Information
JCCD E&S Fee Schedule
Attention! Changes have been made to the NPDES General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities (PAG-02).

 The PAG-02 General Permit became effective on December 8, 2019 and will expire on December 7, 2024.

All forms have been updated. Be sure you are using the new forms. Please see the DEP website for more information.
Notice of Intent (NOI) Forms Individual
Chapter 102 Modules
Transferee Forms
CoPermittee Forms
Visual Site Inspection Forms
If you currently have coverage under the PAG-02 General Permit for one or more earth disturbance activities, click here to see changes and to complete the permit acknowledgement form.
Standard Operating Procedures
Municipal Info
Township Information
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