Watershed Camp

The Jefferson Conservation District and North Fork Watershed Association combined to sponsor a Watershed Camp for children ages 6-9.  It was a great learning experience for particpants.

Tri-County High School Envirothon
Brockway Field Day
Cloe Lake Day
Earth Day
Design Aids
Resources & Links
Jefferson County Fair

With the use of the Enviroscape, Grace Pesselato taught participants what a watershed is and how they can get polluted.


Students played a game get to know their fellow campers.


Students enjoyed getting a dragonfly or a butterfly painted on their face by Missy Buck. 


After learning about Acid Mine Drainage, students tie-dyed a t-shirt using iron oxide water.


Campers learned how our water gets from the stream to our faucets at a tour of the Brookville Water Treatment Plant.


On the nature walk, Gary Gilmore showed campers that pine cones are a food supply for red squirrels.


Worm composting was part of Donna Cooper's recycling presentation. Leftover snacks were fed to the worms.
Deer Ticks and Lyme Disease was the topic of Megan Whitlatch's presentation.
Gary Gilmore showed students how bark from a yellow birch tree is used to start a fire.

Campers learned how our forests are important for both our air and water.

Ruth Rowan, North Fork Watershed Association, follows campers on the nature hike.


North Fork Watershed Association
Dirt & Gravel Road Program
Environmental Education
E & S Control
Special Projects
Water Protection
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60th Anniversary
70th Anniversary
Our Mission
Pond Information
Tick Information
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