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Would you like to learn more about how maps are used in conservation?
The Jefferson County Conservation District will be providing a 6-part video series “Maps for Conservation” for the next 2 weeks! These short videos are aimed to introduce you to several different mapping sites and applications used in conservation.
Part 1 will be a basic introduction to the conservation mapping world. Check it out!

Maps for Conservation - Part 1

Part 2 of the “Maps for Conservation” series, the Jefferson County Conservation District will be covering Chapter 93 Classifications and the Emaps web application.
Under Chapter 93 of the Pennsylvania Code, streams can be considered cold water fishery-CWF (streams and surrounding habitat that support cold water habitat), warm water fishery-WWF (streams and surrounding habitat that support warm water habitat), migratory fishery (streams where fish move to and from one water to another to complete their life cycle), and a trout stocked fishery-TSF. To learn more click Chapter 93 Classification code: https://www.pacodeandbulletin.gov/Display/pacode?file=/secure/pacode/data/025/chapter93/chap93toc.html.
Emaps is a web application created by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that can assist you with identifying environmental data including Chapter 93 Classifications, stream impairments, and fish information. To follow along with the video, be sure to click the Emaps link: http://www.depgis.state.pa.us/emappa/.

Maps For Conservation - Part 2

Part 3 of the “Maps for Conservation” series, the Jefferson County Conservation District will be covering the PA Fish and Boat Commission Trout Streams web application.
This mapping application can assist you in identifying the different types of trout streams found in the State of Pennsylvania. To follow along with the video, be sure to click the PFBC Trout Streams: http://pfbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html...

Maps For Conservation - Part 3

Municipal Info
Township Information
Part 4 of the “Maps for Conservation” series, the Jefferson County Conservation District will be covering the Web Soil Survey web application.
This mapping application, operated by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), is a useful tool to identify the soil type in your area.
To follow along with the video, be sure to click the Web Soil Survey link: https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/HomePage.htm.
For future reference on how to access and print a soils map, you can download the following brochure: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/PA_NRCSConsumption/download....

Maps For Conservation - Part 4

Part 5 of the “Maps for Conservation” series, the Jefferson County Conservation District will be covering the FEMA Flood Map web application.
This mapping application can assist you in identifying FEMA mapped floodways. To follow along with the video, be sure to click the FEMA Flood Map link: https://msc.fema.gov/portal/search#searchresultsanchor.

Maps For Conservation - Part 5

Part 6 of the “Maps for Conservation” series, the Jefferson County Conservation District will be covering Google Earth Pro and Historical Aerial Photos.
Google Earth Pro can assist you with planning out a small project, evaluating the local surroundings, and exploring the world. Historical aerial photos can be useful in looking at the previous land use of an area, and how the area has changed over time.
To follow along with the video, be sure to click the PASDA Historical Aerial Viewer link: https://datacommons.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html....

Maps For Conservation - Part 6

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