Logging Workshop
On April 19, 2018, the District hosted an "Erosion and Sedimentation Control in our Forests" Workshop. This workshop
for Foresters, Loggers and Contractors offered SFI Continuing Education Credits. Presenters from Bureau of Forestry, PA Fish
and Boat Commission, PA Natural Heritage Program and the Jefferson Conservation District provided attendees with a wide variety
of information about E&S Plans, E&S BMPs, Chapter 105 Regulations, PNDIs, Fish and Boat Regulations and Forest Health.
Kent Taylor explained the PNDI Program.
Presenters answered questions at the end of the morning.
Dana Grabowski welcomed the attendees to the workshop.
Shaun Wessell answered questions about Erosion and Sedimentation Plans.
Attendees received alot of beneficial information at this workshop.
This workshop was well attended by loggers and foresters.
Gary Smith from the PA Fish and Boat Commission explained regulations.
Forester John Brundege educated participants about Insects and Forest Health.