Sugar Camp AMD Treatment System

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The Sugar Camp AMD remediation efforts began in 2002 to treat a 3000 gallon per minute discharge that is the single largest contributor of pollution to both Sugar Camp Run and Stump Creek. The District coordinated with non-profit organizations and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to assess the mine pool and look for opportunities to treat the voluminous discharge economically. In addition to funding from the Commonwealth, JCCD and Sykesville Borough worked to engage private funding interested in assisting with remediation while looking for business development opportunities created by recycling the AMD water. In 2011, Winner Water Services leased a portion of land from the Sykesville Borough and invested monies to construct a truck pad, conveyance channel, and impoundment in hopes of attracting oil and gas companies to use the repurposed AMD water.

Currently, the District is working with Winner Water Services and the US Office of Surface Mines to construct a series of wetlands to further treat the mine water for potable uses.

Four wells were drilled into the mine pool to redirect the discharge
for treatment.
Baffles in the settling pond help with treatment.
Wetlands will continue to improve the water quality.
Confluence of Sugar Camp Run and Stump Creek (prior to treatment)
Maelstrom Oxidizer Treatment System
Mine pool water from an abandoned deep mine discharge
A water withdrawal station was installed to allow for easy access for fire trucks and water trucks.
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