
The Jefferson County Conservation District deems to educate and assist the public through programs, projects, and leadership in the stewardship of natural resources to sustain and enhance the quality of life.

Services Provided by The District Include:

  • Reviews of project plans, issue permits, and inspect earthmoving projects to assure that erosion and sedimentation controls are properly installed and maintained.
  • Participate in the Dirt & Gravel Road Program to help reduce the pollution potential of dirt roads.
  • Assist in development of projects designed to reduce or eliminate pollution from abandoned mines.
  • Educate developers, engineers, contractors and other professionals to implement best management practices.
  • Assist landowners in resolution of complaints arising from local earthmoving projects.
  • Conduct annual Envirothons: a program in which students learn about our natural environment through competitive events.
  • Offer technical assistance on farms where manure and fertilizer are applied, to ensure environmental standards are being met.
  • Assist farmers in developing and implementing conservation and nutrient management plans and installing BMPs.
  • Provide volunteer organizations technical assistance & assist with funding acquisition.

Municipal Information

Stormwater Management

All municipalities within Jefferson County are required to adopt the Jefferson County Stormwater Management Ordinance. The standards and criteria contained in the Ordinance apply to all municipalities. Adoption of these ordinances enables application of the Plan’s provisions; review of drainage plans for all activities regulated by the Plan and the ordinance; enforcement of the municipal regulations.

For more information about this ordinance or assistance contact your Municipality.

Bureau Veritas

You can contact Bureau Veritas for questions on whether you may need a building permit for your project. Bureau Veritas is located at 245 Allegheny Blvd., Brookville, PA 15825. Their office can be reached at 814-849-2448.