Cloe Lake Field Day

On Thursday, May 2, 2019, 60 freshmen from Punxsutawney Area High School attended the annual Cloe Lake Field Day.

Cloe Lake is a 27-acre lake located in southern Jefferson County. The stream that feeds this man-made lake is Jackson Run. This stream provides an excellent opportunity for the students to study the variable factors that impact a watershed.

Students used a kick net to collect macroinvertebrates in the stream. They mapped the stream to determine if the stream has changed its course. Physical parameters of the stream such as temperature, width, depth, flow, and velocity were collected. All of this information was calculated and compared with data from previous years to determine the relative health of Jackson Run.

This event is planned each year by Susan Rensel of DCNR and the teachers at Punxsutawney High School. Becky Gaston and Dana Grabowski from the Jefferson County Conservation District helped with this hands-on event. Other DCNR Park Staff also assisted with the event. This field day provides these students with a wonderful learning opportunity in an outdoor setting.

Physical parameters such as width and depth were measured.
Physical parameters such as width and depth were measured.
This field day was a wonderful learning experience.
This field day was a wonderful learning experience.
Students measured the stream to determine if the stream has changed.
Students measured the stream to determine if the stream has changed.
Students enjoyed learning in an outdoor environment.
Students enjoyed learning in an outdoor environment.
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