At JCCD's 75th Anniversary Banquet, on September 25, 2021, George Miller was honored with a plaque commemorating his dedication and lifelong service.
At JCCD's 75th Anniversary Banquet, on September 25, 2021, George Miller was honored with a plaque commemorating his dedication and lifelong service.

Associate Directors

Jerry Chamberlin

Laura Lynn Yohe

Denny Day

Deb Wilson

Porter Duvall

Becky Gaston


Shaun Wessell- District Manager

Christine Hughes- Administrative Assistant

Megan Whitlatch- ACT/NM Specialist

Dana Hannibal- District Technician

Laryssa Remmick-Resource Technician 

Bruce Snyder-Conservation Technician

Ben Smith-Watershed Specialist

About Us

History                          75th Anniversary                          Our Mission


The Jefferson County Conservation District was established in 1946 by the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners, to provide for the conservation of soil, water and related resources of the Commonwealth.

For more information on the history of Conservation Districts, click here.
Created under the Conservation District Law, districts are the local unit of state government that provides the link between you, the citizens, and the multitude of local, state and federal natural resource management programs. A Board of Directors, appointed by the County Commissioners from nominations received from County-wide organizations, serve as your voice. A staff of professionals provides information, technical assistance, financial assistance and educational programs and support at the direction of that Board.


The Jefferson County Conservation District Board of Directors is comprised of seven directors (three farmer members, three urban/public members, and a County Commissioner). As volunteer members representing a variety of local communities, the Board leads District programs and sets District policies. Jefferson County residents are encouraged to contact their nearest District Board member with conservation concerns and issues.

Tom McFarland, Chairman- Tom, a public director, is retired from Department of Environmental Protection. This is Tom's 16th year as a director, he was also an associate director for many years.

Sam Farcus, Vice-Chairman- Sam, a public director is on the Board of Supervisors with Young Township and has worked with the District many times through the Dirt & Gravel projects. This is Sam's 4th year as director.

Allen Campbell, Secretary/TreasurerAllen, a public director, is also the President of the Jefferson County Federation of Sportsmen. Allen is well respected throughout the region for his leadership and stewardship of the North Fork and Sandy Lick watersheds. 2025 is Allen's 26th year as a director.

Terry Shields, Director– Terry, a farmer director, has many years experience on his farm. He is an Environmental Coordinator for PA Farm Bureau. This is Terry's 12th year as a director, he was
an associate director for 19 years.

Theresa Shick, DirectorTheresa, a farmer director, manages a cow-calf operation. She is a former dairy farmer and is active in the County 4-H Program. 2024 is Theresa's 20th year as a director.

Mark Humes, Commissioner Director - Mark was elected for County Commissioner in January, 2024. 

Mark Pifer, Director - Mark, a farmer director, is one of our newest directors. 

JCCD Previous Annual Reports

Click here for District Brochure

Click here to see a complete list of past Directors of the Jefferson County Conservation District 

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